kHs Key Control
Designed to extend the capabilities of the Kilohearts Essentials Pack

Designed to extend the capabilities of the Kilohearts Essentials Pack. kHs Key Control allows you to set the frequency parameter of various Plugins to exact MIDI note values. It works with:
kHs Filter
kHs Nonlinear Filter
kHs Ladder Filter
kHs Resonator
kHs RingMod
Just place kHs Key Control right in front of one of theses plugins and it automatically pairs with the frequency parameter. (If you use VST3 Format make sure to Enable the VST3-Button at the Device)
You can use it with fixed MIDI note values or route MIDI information from another Track to the device. Further editing can be done with the transpose, detune, and smoothing parameters.
kHs Key Control is NOT an official product by Kilohearts
(so please don't sue me kHs ! )
Since its designed to work with the Kilohearts Essential Pack, kHs Key Control also free for download.
Nevertheless, every Donation is very much appreciated, so I can keep on providing my devices for free.